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What teachers say about us...
The children loved the videos. They were glued and learnt a lot!
Grabbed the children’s attention and was just the right length and gave the right information in a fun and engaging way. A great resource!
Loved it! Really clever animation, children were fully engaged throughout and gets the message across perfectly.
The children really liked the videos and I thought it was very professionally put together and informative and perfect for their age!
Explanations are age-appropriate and the children were laughing, smiling and learning.
Clear and simple language, and new vocabulary and concepts are clearly and cleverly explained. Would love to see more videos!
Teachers nationally and globally would love these resources – they are pitched perfectly!
The videos are fresh and graphically brilliant. The messages are clear and it is a very easy watch for our children.
What children say about us...
It was really funny. I learnt that turning off lights and saving water helps look after our planet. (KS1 child after watching Earth Day video)
I always wear a Christmas jumper – but now I know why and how important it is to help other children. (KS1 child after watching Christmas Jumper Day video)
I told my friends we celebrate Diwali like the people in the video! (Early Years child after watching Diwali video)
It was exciting to see what Guy Fawkes tried to do and learn about Bonfire Night. (KS1 child after watching Bonfire Night video)
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